url: https://www.jaeger.nl/app/uploads/2024/03/met-WV_versie2024-1.png

An issue with the Dutch tax authorities?

Contact us for assistance

The best Dutch tax criminal law lawyer at your side

Jaeger’s lawyers specialize in Dutch tax proceedings and (tax) fraud cases. We have deliberately chosen this sharp delineation of our field: we would rather be very good than very big. Our tax lawyers are happy to help you.

Tax lawyers Jaeger

Our expertise

Focus on mounting financial loss during criminal investigation

In fraud crimes, the penalty (requirement) very much depends on the financial damage. The longer the prosecution waits to act, the more damage will be done. Subsequently, this results in a higher punishment and possible indemnity. In tax cases, the tax authorities also often wait until the prosecutor has intervened, resulting in higher assessments or additional claims. We see this complex combination of circumstances in almost every tax criminal case. A solution always has to be custom-made. ….

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